I am delighted to tell you the school’s overall outcomes for the national tests in 2023.
The children and staff have worked really hard and we have had some really positive outcomes.
Once again in Year 6 the children have done amazingly well. I am extremely proud of the progress that they have made through the year and of the fact that as a school we have done better than the national figure for Reading, Writing and Maths. One measure that we are judged on is the percentage of children achieving the expected standard across Reading, Writing and Maths combined. The figure for this at Newhall Park was 70% which is significantly higher than the national percentage. Well done everyone and a huge thank you to the Year 6 teaching team!
In KS1 the results for Maths were slightly lower than they were last year. The results for Reading and Writing have increased from 2022 and were in line with the national results from 2022. The school is required to report on teacher assessment outcomes for KS1. The tests that the children take form part of the evidence that the teachers look at when making those assessments. This year we had two external moderators who came into school and looked at the decisions the teachers had made. They were in agreement with the accuracy of our judgements.
Our younger children also have external tests and we have to report on outcomes at the end of Reception and ensure that all the children in Year 1 sit the Phonics Screen. I am proud to say that in Reception the percentage of children achieving a Good Level of Development (GLD) has increased from 2022 as has the percentage of children passing the Phonics Screen in Year 1.
We will put all of our results onto our website.
Thank you children and staff for all your hard work. Thank you to all of you for your continued support.