If you would like more information on our curriculum, please contact your child's Class Teacher or Phase Leader via usual communication channels.
If you would like information about home learning, please click here.
The key aim of the curriculum at Newhall Park Primary School is to prepare our children for their future lives in education, the work place and as citizens of the world. It is our role to broaden horizons and open possibilities.
We teach ‘Building Learning Power’ which develops skills such as resilience, perseverance and determination; all skills that are essential to have in order to succeed in the work place. This runs throughout our curriculum and expectations. It is important to us that we produce children who are articulate and capable of being their own advocates in an ever changing and demanding environment. We are committed to encouraging social mobility and the redistribution of opportunity for all and our curriculum reflects this. Equality is paramount and we work tirelessly to develop the skills and knowledge in all our children that they will need to succeed in life. At Newhall Park we have a strategic nurture program as part of our curriculum so additional support is given to our most disadvantaged children to foster these skills.
The curriculum needs to be relevant to our school population. Newhall Park is in the highest quintile of primary schools for the proportion of boys. We have energetic learners who benefit from hands on learning and experiences to really bring education to life. Through our curriculum groups we are working passionately to deliver this approach consistently across our school. Our full time sports coach provides a wide range of opportunities for our pupils. The grounds at Newhall Park are extensive offering access to ‘Forest Schools’ activities, nature studies, gardening and the development of a running track. The benefits of outdoor learning are encouraged and are being whole heartedly embraced.
We define knowledge as knowing how to find information and how to connect things. Both these skills are important ones to master for future learning and for future employment. In everything we teach we explore the relevance to now and to us as a community. For example using discussions around historical sources to examine and discuss modern terms such as ‘Fake News’ and developing critical thinking skills to debate questions such as “Is the media impartial?” Children have the chance to think as a scientist, use the skills of a historian to name but two. We have developed a systematic, consistent and effective approach to the teaching of phonics and reading is focus area at Newhall Park.
We have a responsibility to help to shape the lives of our young people in order to develop well rounded, caring and employable citizens of society and our curriculum has this aim at its heart.
Our Curriculum for Equality complies with equality legislation including:
Curriculum Subjects