Our Curriculum 26/01/22
My blog over the past couple of weeks has been very wordy as I have been focusing on different elements of our latest OFSTED report. I thought for this week it would make a nice change to show you through a series of photos what the HMI Inspector saw, what the aims and values of our school are and how we are using our carefully constructed curriculum to enable our children to thrive.
The photo below is from the entrance hall and shows the aims and values of the school. Reading the OFSTED report you can see the positive impact there has been from having these aims at the heart of the curriculum.
Our Curriculum Intent was the driver for our curriculum redesign.
‘The key aim of the curriculum at Newhall Park Primary School is to prepare our children for their future lives in education, the work place and as citizens of the world. It is our role to broaden horizons and open possibilities.’
The displays around school really demonstrate how teaching and learning is focused on that aim.
Ask your children tonight how they have been inspired today in school. Ask them what they have learnt and what they are going to learn next. Hopefully you will get some interesting answers that you can send back to us and we can post on the website.
Please watch the slide show below to see some examples of high quality work in children’s maths books and maths working walls around school.
And finally, what fantastic writing has been produced in Year 4...
Well done 👏🏻 very proud parent