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Parental Survey regarding Behaviour at Newhall Park 2022 09/11/2022

Mr Warner, the Lower KS2 Phase Leader and whole school lead for Social, Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) and I have put the following report together.


You may remember that we asked you to complete a Parental Survey regarding behaviour at Newhall Park. We asked parents to take a few minutes to share their thoughts and feelings about our school. It was optional whether you gave us your name or chose to remain anonymous. The comments and feedback help us to make improvements to existing provision and make plans for new initiatives.


We would like to thank all the parents who responded and gave us feedback and comments.


Survey Statement

Strongly agree/agree

Behaviour at Newhall Park is good.


Behaviuor is consistently well-managed by staff.


The school has clear routines and expectations for the behaviour of all pupils across all aspects of school life.


My child understands how good behaviour supports good learning.


Bullying and discrimination is dealt with quickly, effectively and consistently.


My child has a positive attitude to learning.


The school behaviour policy is fair and used consistently.


The school has a positive, respectful culture in which my child is well cared for.


My child is motivated to learn.


The school has a calm, orderly environment which helps my child to learn.


My child is encouraged to have good attendance and punctuality




We received a number of positive comments which we really appreciate. Some examples are below:


  • “Very open and friendly staff, children seem very polite when entering and leaving the premises, my daughter is happy.”



  • My child attends the nurture room which I feel is good. It is often difficult to open up sometimes and I feel this is an environment that encourages pupils to talk. She also really enjoys this time too and looks forward to it.”


  • My children have amazing class teachers and support staff.”



The percentage of parents and carers who agree or strongly agree that the school deals with bullying effectively has risen by 16 percentage points from 2018 and is now 88%.


We are continually looking for ways to be even better and plan effective actions to move forward successfully as a school.


Regarding ways the school can improve, one parent said:


  • “Staff attitudes and behaviour management seem to differ making it confusing for children to follow. This is particularly the case with lunchtime supervisors and teaching staff.


School have planned the following actions to further improve consistency:


  • New behaviour expectations have been put in place across school following the principles (Ready, Respectful, Safe). All staff use these principles when discussing behaviour and to ensure behaviour systems are easier for all children to follow.
  • All staff have been reminded of the behaviour procedures (see the school website for more information) in order to deal with incidents consistently and fairly.
  • Ongoing professional development is planned for lunchtime supervisors in order to support them when dealing with behaviour.


As you can see from the see from the the table at the start of the report the majority of responses were really positive. It is so important to us that we hear what you think. Thank you again to all of you who took part in this survey.


In my next Headteacher blog which will come out on 25th November I will be sending out the report of the Parent Questionnaire we asked you complete on Parents’ Evening in October. This was made up of the same questions that OFSTED ask parents.


In the meantime if you have any questions or comments then please get in touch via the school office.
