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Religious Education

Religious Education



Religious Education is an integral part of our balanced curriculum at Newhall Park Primary School. Newhall park serves a diverse community with staff and pupils from many different religious, cultures and faiths. Our curriculum aims to provide rich experiences, which teaches our children about different religious and non-religious beliefs and practices within the local community and beyond. 


Religious Education at Newhall Park aims to extend children’s thinking and broaden their understanding of different religions, cultural backgrounds and faiths. The teaching of RE fosters a respect for the unique social, cultural and religious backgrounds within our school, community and wider world and gives children the tools to celebrate diversity and challenges stereotypes. Through an enquiry based approach, children have the opportunity to thoughtfully gain insight and a deeper understanding in an engaging and exciting way. 

Our aims in the teaching and learning of RE are as follows: 

  • Equip and educate children for a world of diversity. 
  • Support the spiritual and moral development of every child. 
  • Nurture children as critical thinkers. 
  • Provide a safe enquiry space to refine their knowledge. 
  • Enhance community cohesion and develop empathy and respect. 


At Newhall Park our overarching objective at Newhall Park is that our children become fully rounded members of society who treat each other with mutual respect and therefore, the teaching of British Values enhances our  RE curriculum and plays an imperative part of our wider curriculum.


Religious Education at Newhall Park is taught in line with the Bradford Agreed syllabus – Discovery RE.


Religious Education in Action...

