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Safeguarding 04/02/22


Safeguarding is an essential part of our role in school. It is such an important part of our job to make sure that the children are safe and protected both in school and out. Our school website contains a lot of information, guidance and advice regarding safeguarding and what to do if you have a safeguarding concern about a child. Please see the Safeguarding and Child Protection page. This can be found in the Key Information section of the website and lists the members of the Safeguarding Team, the Online Safety Lead and the Safeguarding Governor.


The members of the Safeguarding Team are the first port of call if you have a safeguarding concern or a query about safeguarding procedures. If you need to contact us in such an instance please state that your call is of a safeguarding nature so it can be dealt with by the appropriate person immediately. The poster below is on our website and around school.



At the bottom of our Safeguarding page on the website it has clear instruction with phone numbers to let you know what to do if you have a concern at different times or if you believe a child (or adult) is in immediate danger of serious harm.


Our OFSTED inspection in November 2021 said the following about safeguarding at Newhall Park


‘The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders have ensured that safeguarding is a priority of the school. Procedures for ensuring the safe recruitment of staff are robust. The record of staff recruitment checks meets all requirements. Leaders have created a ‘tell me’ culture in school. All staff understand how to raise concerns. The designated safeguarding lead has created a comprehensive record-keeping system to monitor all concerns. Leaders use the support of external partners, such as the community police team and health education, to deepen pupils’ understanding of positive and negative relationships.’


As a school we have developed really rigorous systems of communication and act robustly to ensure that children and families get the right support. On Tuesday 8th February we are having an Online Safety Awareness day in school and the safety messages will be reinforced for all children at an age appropriate level.


Please get in touch with your thoughts and views.


"Brilliant work, well done to all" parent of child in Year 2 and Year 4 
