Reception to Year 6
The Admissions Policy of the school is common to most Bradford local authority schools and is outlined in the document “Admission Arrangements” which is published by Bradford Council’s Children’s Services. As a community school the local authority allocate places for children at Newhall Park Primary.
For further information please visit:
Our Nursery caters for children aged 3 and 4. Children can begin their school life in an exciting and caring environment, getting the best possible start to school. We offer a fully flexible provision of up to 30 hours with a choice of sessions.
15 hour and 30 hour extended entitlement places are available. If you are not eligible for the government 30 hour entitlement, we also provide Nursery sessions that can be paid for in advance.
If you require a Nursery place please contact the school office on 01274 778577 or via email -
Apply for 30 hours free childcare
Please click on the link below to see if you qualify for the 30 hours free childcare
If you would like information regarding appeals, please contact the school office.