National Tests 06/05/22
For the first time since 2019 Primary Schools will all be taking part in National tests. We have been working really hard at Newhall Park to ensure that all the children are making progress. Interventions have been running before and after school and targeted teaching has taken place throughout the day. Now the test season is upon us! We are incredibly proud of the hard work and progress of our children whatever the outcomes.
If you have children in year groups that have National tests you will have received extra information from your child’s teachers. I feel though, that it is good as a school community that we all know what is happening across the different year groups at Newhall.
Year 2 began their SATS on Tuesday 3rd May and teachers have the whole of May to administer the tests. The children will do two maths papers and two reading papers throughout this time. To make sure it is a relaxed atmosphere for the children we do the tests in small groups and the children even get a drink and a snack when they complete each test. They love this! Recent past papers show the layout and expectation.
KS2 SATS begin on Monday 9th May. The children and staff have worked really hard and can be very confident about the tests. The children are prepared and have been calm and relaxed. Remember Year 6, just try your best and we are very proud of you. Recent past papers show the layout and expectation.
After the half term holidays, Year 1 will have their Phonics Screen during the first week back. Each child will have to read 40 words to a familiar adult. As this screen is done on an individual basis the children really seen to enjoy some extra adult attention. Please see our Phonics page. There will also be a multiplication test for Year 4 pupils during the first three weeks after the half term break. TT Rockstars can really help develop pupils’ factual fluency for times tables.
The teachers in Reception will be assessing if the children have reached the expected standards for the end of Early Years before the children move onto KS1.
If any parent has any questions about the National tests please contact the school office or your child’s class teacher. The Department for Education will not be producing national league tables of results as these tests follow two year of disrupted schooling. We will be letting parents know how their children have done and there will be information posted on our school website by the end of the school year regarding the school’s overall outcomes.
Finally I would like to thank all the staff at Newhall Park for working so hard, always putting the children first and enabling the children make progress.
Keep up the great work staff and children, you're doing great.