Parental Satisfaction Survey Autumn 2022
Mrs Azam and I have put the following report together.
You may remember that we asked you to complete a Parental Survey during the Parent and Teacher consultations on 18th and 19th October 2022. We asked parents to take a few minutes to share their thoughts and feelings about our school. It was optional whether you gave us your name or chose to remain anonymous. The comments and feedback help us to make improvements to existing provision and make plans for new initiatives.
We would like to thank all the parents who responded and gave us feedback and comments. The majority of responses were really positive. 98% of parents said that their child feels safe at Newhall Park which is higher than the response that OFSTED has gathered nationally.
Ofsted Statement Strongly agree/agree
My child is happy at this school. 93%
My child feels safe at this school. 98%
The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved. 93%
The school deals with bullying effectively. 88%
The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year. 95%
If I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly. 88%
The school has high expectations for my child. 95%
My child does well at this school. 100%
The school lets me know how my child is doing. 85%
There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school. 95%
The school supports my child’s wider personal development 83%
I would recommend this school to another parent. 85%
An overwhelming 100% of parents agree that their child does well at Newhall Park. With 88% saying the school deals effectively with bullying. All of these figures are higher than the response that OFSTED has gathered nationally.
98% of parents said their child felt safe at school, this figure reflects the hard work of all staff in ensuring that children's emotional health and wellbeing is supported through the school curriculum as well as our robust safeguarding procedures.
88% of parents agreed that when they raised concerns with the school they were dealt with properly. Any concerns can be raised with individual teachers or sent through to the school office. Please see the school website: on how to contact the school office.
A positive 95% of parents said they felt the school had high expectations for their child. We aim to be ambitious and aspirational in meeting the needs of all our children and have provided bespoke targeted support for children at risk of falling behind. Our 2022 Year 6 outcomes for Reading were in line with those achieved by children nationally and were above in Maths.
Only 83% of parents felt the school supported the wider personal development of their child. We support the development of the whole child through the focus on equality of opportunity and provision of a wide variety of trips and visits throughout the school year and the use of Bradford Champions visitors to enhance our curriculum. In addition to this we provide opportunities for children to learn a variety of musical instruments.
93% of parents said the school made sure its pupils are well behaved. The introduction of zones of regulation and the behaviour principles of Ready, Respectful and Safe have seen improved learning behaviour across school.
85% of parents agreed the school let them know how their child was doing in school. Regular communication with parents is important to us. Weekly assemblies focus on rewards for good work and behaviour and parents are invited into school for Parents’ Evenings twice a year. Please arrange to speak with your child’s teacher if you have any further questions about your child’s progress. Curriculum letters are sent out half termly outlining the units of learning to be covered and information on how to access homework.
As a school we want you to be satisfied with the service we provide. We will be contacting parents who expressed a concern or did not agree with the OFSTED statements to discuss their feelings and see what else we can do in the future. The Senior Leadership Team will be out on the path regularly in the morning and after school so please come and talk to us.
We will be conducting further surveys in the future and would really appreciate your input then as well. In the meantime just a reminder that if you would like to be more involved information about parent governors vacancies was sent out on 2nd November. Please click on the links below to view the information. Thank you.