Last week, all Head Teachers received a letter from Secretary of State, Nadim Zahawi, urging us to improve school attendance. This is a priority at Newhall Park. We are focusing on improving attendance because it is the right thing to do for our children but also because it is directly adhering to the National agenda and expectation. The expectation comes from the Secretary of State for Education, OFSTED, The local Authority and the Governing Body at Newhall Park. We are united in this aim and drive. In order for children to thrive in their learning, friendships and all other aspects of school, strong attendance is essential.
At this time of year it is good to focus on how we can pull together and help and support each other. I am extremely proud of the outreach work that we have done at Newhall Park throughout the pandemic.
During the lockdowns we had our own Food Bank and regularly delivered food bags, resources, technology and mobile support to families. As we have done in the past we will once again be delivering festive hampers and food vouchers for the holidays to help out. School works closely with other organisations such as The Salvation Army, Greggs, the Community Centre, the Emerge Youth Team and local supermarkets to get help to those who need it. I am grateful to all the staff at Newhall Park who work really hard in all aspects of school life. In particular I’d like to thank Mrs Barlett for her tireless work with families and outside agencies to provide the above.
Thank you very much for your support.
Well done for all the hard work staff and school are fantastic and so hard working from a very grateful parent xx
Is good thank u for every one.