After School Clubs 2017 - 2018
Our school is very active within the Accelerate Sports Partnership and teams are taking part in competitions at Tong on a Monday and Thursday evening.
We have entered 45 sports events this academic year and these include Tri golf, swimming, cricket, football, rounders, tennis and Hi 5 netball.
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The following in school sports clubs are being run by Mr Elstub, our sports coach, from September - December 2017. New clubs will run from January to Easter 2018.
Tuesday 3:00 - 4:00pm
Key Stage 2 Boys Multisports Club
Wednesday 3:00 - 4:00pm
Key Stage 2 Girls Multisports Club
If you are interested in your child participating in one of these clubs then please contact the school office for a permission letter. A waiting list is kept if we are over subscribed.